The State Of The POTUS' Game

In the aftermath of Barack Obama's final State of the Union address, Wall Street Journal sportswriter Matthew Futterman asked The Audacity of Hoop author Alexander Wolff about the state of the president's basketball game. Unlike the country, about which Obama said "The state of the union is strong," his hoop game has been in steady decline since the November 2010 incident in which he took an elbow to the lip that opened up a cut that required dozen stitches. Read the full Q&A here.

Author Doug Wilhelm, On The Audacity Of Hoop And Two Images That Spoke To Him

Doug Wilhelm is a journalist and author whose novels for emerging adults, like The Revealers, True Shoes and The Prince of Denial, show a keen understanding of the passages through which young readers go. In this blog post he discusses The Audacity of Hoop and two photos of Barack Obama that made a particular impression on him. You can learn more about Doug and his work at

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry Cites The Audacity Of Hoop

On her Jan. 2, 2016 show on MSNBC, host Melissa Harris-Perry examined activists' pressure on LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers to stage a boycott in support of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old shot by Cleveland police. Harris-Perry highlighted how basketball has surfaced in public debate during Barack Obama's presidency, and quoted The Audacity of Hoop's assertion that Obama had used basketball "more often and more effectively than any previous president had used any sport." Watch the entire segment here.